How to Order

Lance McVay’s Tales of Treachery & Terror will be launched Oct 1, 2022.

There are 500 copies of Treachery & Terror and there may not be a second printing. Currently copies are available at three locations:

* Amazon (Directly from the author):

* Books on B (Hayward):

* The Bookshop Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz):

Lighthouse Tales is currently sold out of it’s first printing. The second printing is now available in Bay Area bookstores. Please support these local, Independently owned traditions and buy your copy there while they last. (For ordering directly from the author see the information below).

Bookshop Santa Cruz – IN STOCK 
1520 Pacific Ave Santa Cruz, Ca 95060
(831) 423-0900
* Atlantis Fantasy World (sold out)
1020 Cedar Str Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 426-0158
* Coastside Books (sold out)
423 Main Str Half Moon Bay, CA
(650) 726-5889
* Books, Inc. (sold out)
74 Town & Country Village
(650) 321-0600
855 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA 94301
* Books on B IN STOCK 
1014 B St, Hayward, CA 94541 (510) 538-3943
(510) 538-3943
* Paradise Cay Publications (on Amazon: Rudy & Ruby Books) -IN STOCK
* Lighthouse Tales is also available through the Santa Cruz County Library system.

* Used and new copies can also be found on Amazon.

If you’re not in any of these areas you may still use the information below to order your copy directly from the author.

You may order your copy by sending an email to the author, Lance McVay, at Please include:
  1. The number of books you would like to order.
  2. The address to which you would like your copies mailed.
  3. Indicate if a signature from the author is requested or if you would like a “clean” copy.

You may also send payment directly via Paypal to Include the information above with your Paypal order.

Each Copy of Lighthouse Tales is $20.00 when ordered directly from the author which includes shipping and handling.  Payment can be made via Paypal using the above email address or you may mail a check or cash to an address you will receive after sending in your request.

Thank you for your support. Be sure to learn more about the book by using the links above.